"Occupational & Environmental Health & Safety Practice in the 21st Century"
Hotel Solamar
435 6th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
Conference Program Binder (13.2 MB)
Wednesday, December 3
- CIHC Update — Dr. Ed Klinenberg, CIH, CIHC Board President, Northrop Grumman
- Federal Legislative and Regulatory Update — Aaron Trippler, Director, Governmental Affairs, National AIHA
- Key California Environmental Regulations/Legislation & Impact on EHS — Karen J. Nardi, Esq, Partner, Arnold Porter LLP
- Business, Cultural and Demographic Trends, Challenges & Promise — Lance Descourouez, Chairman, Vistage International
- California Department of Public Health Update — Dr. Barbara Materna, Chief, Occupational Health Branch
- Tight Oil and Worker Safety & Health — Dr. John Howard, Director, NIOSH
- Risk Assessment Overview — Stephen T. Washburn, Principal & CEO, Environ Corporation
- OELs—The Global Landscape — Chris Laszcz-Davis, MS, CIH, AIHA Fellow, CIHC Board, The Environmental Quality Organization, LLC
- Health-Based OELs — Renee Kalmes, MSPH, CIH, Sr. Managing Scientist, Exponent
- NIOSH’s Occupational Hazard Banding Initiative — Dr. Lauralynn Taylor McKernan, CIH, Commander U.S. PHS, Deputy Director, Education and Information Division, NIOSH
Thursday, December 4
- How Interdisciplinary View of Health and Wellbeing is Greater than the Sum of the Parts — Dr. Cristina Banks, Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces, University of California, Berkeley
- Mindfulness: Promoting Total Worker Health and Safety by Being in the Moment — Dr. Jessica Drew de Paz, Mindfulness & Safety Research Coordinator, University of California, Irvine
- Emerging Issues in Organizational Violence, ASIS/SHRM WVPI.1-2011 American National Standard, Risk Assessment Guideline Elements for Violence — James S. Cawood, President, Factor One
- Process Safety Management – Safety in the Refinery Sector: California’s New Prevention Framework — Dr. Michael Wilson, MPH, Chief Scientist, State of California-Department of Industrial Relations
- Electrical Safety/NFPA 70E (2015 Edition): A "Flash" Forward Overview of Standard Revisions — Paul A. Zoubek, CSP, CIH, President/Principal Consultant, Zoubek Consulting, LLC
- Social Media & Technology – How is It Shaping the Profession? — Michael Rosenow, MPH, CIH, CSP, Argonne National Laboratory, National AIHA Board Member
- Fall Protection: Update and New Technology — David Dickinson, Senior Territory Sales Manager, Mine Safety Appliances
Friday, December 5
- Safer Product Regulations — Karl Palmer, Chief, Safer Consumer Products Branch, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- Product Stewardship – An Association Perspective — Allan K. Fleeger, CIH, CSP, President, Product Stewardship Society, AIHA, and Global Product Stewardship & Regulatory Affairs Manager, ExxonMobil
- Calaveras Dam Project – A New Look at Naturally Occurring Asbestos — Dan Hernandez, CIH, NOA Manager, Dragados Flatiron Sukut Joint Venture
- Industrial Hygiene Afloat: A focus on IH concerns and responsibilities aboard a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier — Commander Daniel Hardt, CIH, Head, Industrial Hygiene Department, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Medical Service Corps, US Navy
- H&S in Challenging Environments: Afghanistan and Djibouti — Sylvia A. Fontes, CIH, Safety Director, HDR Inc.
- H&S in Challenging Environments: Afghanistan and Djibouti — Carole Fried, CIH, CSP, Corporate Director, Health