By Laws

Adopted June 11, 1991
Revised March 2, 1998
Revised July 9, 1996
Revised May 3, 1999
Revised March 8, 2000
Revised August 3, 2005
Revised September 1, 2010
Revised February 10, 2015
Revised December 4, 2024

By Laws Operating Procedures - February 10, 2015


This organization shall be known as: "California Industrial Hygiene Council".


California Industrial Hygiene Council (hereafter CIHC), a coalition of California Local Sections of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, is a professional association within the meaning of Section 23701e of California Revenue and Taxation Code, formed for the purpose of addressing governmental affairs within California. This organization does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof and is organized for nonprofit purposes.


The fiscal year for CIHC shall be January 1st to December 31st of each year.


All Local Sections of the American Industrial Hygiene Association located in California are members of CIHC.

Each Local Section should appoint two representatives, called Directors, to represent their interests in CIHC. Each Local Section should also appoint an Alternate who will attend when a Director cannot attend.

Only those Directors representing AIHA Local Sections which pay their assessed CIHC dues each year will be voting members in that year. Directors representing Sections that are twelve months or more behind in payment of dues will not have their meeting expenses reimbursed until such time as dues are brought current. Each of these Directors will have one vote. Dues are assessed in arrears for the preceding calendar year in March of each year with dues payable on receipt of notice.

The Directors of CIHC will fix the annual dues proportionally, based on the number of each local section’s paid members during the calendar year at a rate of $25 per paid local section member.


Any Director may resign by submitting a written resignation to their Local Section President and to the President of CIHC. Any AIHA Local Section can change their representative Directors at any time in accordance with their own procedures. Local Sections are encouraged, however, to appoint Directors for terms of at least three years whenever possible and to stagger the appointment of their two Directors to assure continuity.

In the event that any voting member of the Board of Directors is absent from any two (2) consecutive meetings of the Board without prior notification to the President, such Board member shall be subject to removal from the Board.

The President of the Board will notify the Director’s Local Section President if such action is being considered prior to taking any action. Removal requires a majority vote of the Board present and voting, provided that a notice of intention to consider such removal at a designated meeting of the Board is set forth in the official Notice of Meetings of such designated meeting.


OFFICERS. The Officers of the Council shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The voting members of the Board of Directors shall select the officers from the current Board of Directors. The voting members of the Board may remove any officer for cause by a vote of two-thirds.


PRESIDENT. The President shall preside as chairperson at all meetings of the Council, shall issue or cause to be issued, notices of all meetings, and shall direct the affairs of the Council with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws, the President shall appoint Task Committee Chairs as needed. In the event of incapacity or inability to fulfill the office, certification of such fact by two thirds vote of the voting members of the Board of Directors present at a meeting specially called and noticed for that purpose, the remainder of the term shall be filled by the Vice President. The President shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors.

VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall act on the President’s behalf during any absence of the President and shall provide primary support to the conference chair(s). The Vice President will take the office of President at the end of the current President’s final term of office or if the President becomes unable to fill the position’s duties.

SECRETARY. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Council, and shall be the official custodian of all the records of the Council. The Secretary shall perform such duties as are delegated by the President, and such other legal duties incident to the office of Secretary. If the Secretary is unable to fulfill the term of office, the President will notify the Board and an Alternate will be identified to serve the term and perform the duties of the Secretary.

TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget and financial reports for approval by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall file state and federal tax returns and related documents, and mail dues billings to AIHA California Local Sections. If the Treasurer is unable to fulfill the term of office, The President will notify the Board and an Alternate will be identified to serve the term and perform the duties of the Treasurer.

The President and the Treasurer, or any other officer of the Council authorized by majority vote of the Board of Directors, may execute any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments which have been authorized by the Board of Directors to be executed.

TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office of each officer shall be for two years. Officers may be re-elected to subsequent terms of office.

MEETINGS. The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year.

DUTIES OF DIRECTORS. Directors are expected to attend all meetings of the Council and shall keep their Local Section informed of the Council’s activities. Directors will monitor assigned legislation/regulatory activities and notify the President if a change of position or CIHC action is recommended. Directors will assist in planning and executing the CIHC Conference.

Directors are responsible for representing the interests of CIHC and have the authority to make decisions, with Board approval, that are deemed reasonable and necessary to conducting CIHC business.


All meetings of CIHC shall be conducted generally in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (except where otherwise designated in these By-Laws) in keeping with democratic principles and traditions so that each member shall have an opportunity to be heard and present his or her views for the consideration of the entire body. A quorum is defined as half the voting Directors plus one.


These By-Laws may be amended at a meeting of the Board, called at a time and place designated by the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, by two thirds vote cast by the voting members of the Board.


Notwithstanding any of the above statements of purposes and powers, this organization shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the specific purposes of the organization.